We're getting married at approximately 11:00 am on May 10th, 2003 in the Washington, DC suburb of Bethesda, MD.
In order to thwart the expected hordes of papparazzi, we are not disclosing the wedding location. We have arranged for transportation from the reception site, starting at 10:00 am.
The buses will leave from the Elm Street side of Jaleo at 10:00, 10:15 and 10:30 a.m. We are asking relatives and other people who want to study the effects of the combined use of flash bulbs on the bride and groom to be on the early bus. There are five acres of garden to be explored, and we're only using a part of them, so anyone with a green thumb may also want to be on an earlier bus.
In case of rain: (knock on wood, fingers crossed, etc…) If the weather does not allow for an outdoor wedding, the ceremony will be moved back an hour, to noon, and held at Jaleo. We will use our home phone as a status line, so you may call there to double check if you feel the weather is questionable. We will also have signs posted at the restaurant telling you to show up later if you forget to call in advance, or it's sunny in your part of the world.
In general, sunny = outside wedding; cloudy = outside wedding; drizzly = inside wedding; pouring rain = inside wedding; thunder & lightning = inside wedding/no swimming; flooding = evacuation to higher ground; snowing = you wrote the wedding date down wrong, please check your calendar.